Lust For Life
Sunday September 5, 2021 AT 3:20 PM
Been chasing something my whole life, I’m not quite sure I know what it is exactly. Is it success? Greatness? Would my pursuit of this come at the sacrifice of my happiness? These questions race my mind everyday yet I still have this lust towards the finer things in life. Would they be worth the treacherous pursuit? Damn, I hope so. But for what it’s worth I still continue along the path infront of me.
Uncertainty clouds me but I like to think of myself as a skyscraper going pass the clouds reaching new highs. Would I be scared of the new altitude? Most definitely but I damn sure going to adjust quick, no time to fall and start over, as I said I’m chasing the finer things in life. Not sure if I’d be ready for the sins that come with those finer things but time would tell. Praying that the big man guides me accordingly.
But yeah, so on this path to success I find myself bombarded with multiple artistic desires. Some may say it’s a bad thing but I like to think otherwise. I’m not really one to box myself in, you know? Everybody knows me for the visuals but something about sound has been calling me recently. Like a phone rining constantly in my head but I can’t hang up. Music is one of my most prized loves, no lies. I love the visuals too but music is the one.
Something about it hits different. Sound knows no barriers, once that rythm and beat grabs you.. it ain’t letting go. So with this desire to explore sound, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Might fall a few times but once you fall the only way is up right?
Sentimental thoughts aside, this place you’re in right now, think of it as a collection of my deepest thoughts, desires and just shit that I like. Hoping this inspires others on a similar journey or maybe even on a completely different journey, world works in mysterious ways, you know?
I’d take this time to exit the stage for now. Love, proceed with caution.
Truly Yours.